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2021- 2022 – The Silk Road of the 21st Century

The artistic interconnections between East and West.

A religious and cultural crossroads on the Silk Road, the oasis of Dunhuang in China is home to the richest and best preserved Buddhist art sanctuary in the world, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It was the Chinese painter Chang Shuhong who from 1936, following a stay to study art in France, devoted his life to protecting this artistic heritage and to passing on the art of traditional painting.

This project celebrates the extraordinary story of Chang Shuhong, whose works are at the crossroads of two cultures, through a musical recital that allows the public to discover and appreciate this fabulous page in the history of Chinese art.

Inspired by the show performed at the Acropolis in Nice to commemorate 50 years of Franco-Chinese friendship in 2013 (and again in Saint Paul de Vence in 2011), the project takes the public on an immersive journey into the murals of Dunhuang, through video-projections, songs, music of the Silk Road, enhanced by AI